Bega Bombers

How to register as a Bega Bomber
For registrations you will register as a player through playing HQ
Existing players
New Players
Active Kids Voucher
You can use the NSW Govt’s. Active Kids Voucher to cover registration fees for Auskick and Junior Football.
If you intend to use an Active Kids Voucher for your registration, you will need to apply for the voucher through Service NSW and have the number available prior to completing the registration form.
Have your Medicare card handy when you make your application.
When registering your child, a question at the end of the registration form will ask whether you wish to use the Active Kids Voucher.
• If you choose “No”, you will be directed to the payment page to complete the registration by secure credit card or direct internet payment for the full registration fee.
• If you choose “Yes”, you will need to enter your voucher number before being directed to the payment page.
Payment at the time of registration is compulsory.
Registration fees:
Registration costs $100 per player and can be covered partially by using the NSW Govt’s. Active Kids Voucher if the player is of school age . See registration for details.
What you need before applying for Active Kids Voucher:
a MyServiceNSW account
one proof of identity document
your child's Medicare card details
your child's height and weight (optional).
If you’re a parent, carer or guardian, the student will be eligible if they are:
a NSW resident
aged between 4.5 and 18 years
enrolled in school (from Kindergarten to Year 12, including those who are home-schooled or enrolled in secondary school education at TAFE NSW)
a current Medicare card holder.
You can apply for a voucher for each eligible student.
You can use the voucher for registration, participation or membership costs with an approved Active Kids provider.
If you’ve played AFL with another club, you’ll need to apply for a transfer
Email using Transfer in the subject line. You will need to provide;
Your name:
Your date of birth:
The name of the Club and if possible, the League you last played for. The club registrar will then apply for a transfer on your behalf.
Playing gear:
All the Bomber’s players will be provided with jumper, shorts and socks. These remain the property of the club and must be returned at the end of the season.
Players are expected to provide their own boots. A mouth guard is recommended.
Once registration fees are paid Players are covered by JLT Insurance. Terms of the coverage are available at
Bega Bombers Womens Team

Club Contacts:
President: Imogen Champagne Ph: 0413621928 mail:
Secretary: Darcie Nicol mail:
Auskick Coordinator: Deb Ferguson Ph:0425328582 mail: